Guy Orgambide is a Ph.D. scientist who left his native France in the nineties, when he was recruited as a researcher at Michigan State University.
A few years later, Guy joined in the frenzied ride of the "" revolution and created the online science news portal
From his childhood's fantastic voyages on the hills of the family's vineyard, Guy has preserved a love for unbridled imagination.
Through his editorial work with, he has grown very fond of the uniquely dynamic nature of the English language and has chosen to merge these two interests through works of fiction.
Guy Orgambide's debut fiction: The Fugue Trilogy reflects his passion for the work of 19th century "romanesque" writers such as Alexandre Dumas or Jules Verne, whose highly creative, adventure-driven, and at times surreal fiction enlivened the literary side of his studies.
Take a peek at his new novel:Malin and the Shorn Women